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    GESTAR 2016 (multilanguage: English/Spanish/French/Portugese) is avalaible (latest update: may, 6th 2016) in Software Download section.
    GESTAR 2016 is a significant advance in hydraulic engineering tools for the economical and reliable design, execution and management of pressurised irrigation networks. A unique, cutting-edge product, it uses many innovative techniques, with an interactive graphical interface enabling hydraulic and energy sizing, analysis and management in pressurized systems (distribution networks and also individual plots)...

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    A single platform for all users and every stage in the development of systems (project, execution and exploitation) letting you transfer, change and update the model interactively, giving instant results for the effects of any change or adaptation of the initial project in construction or during use. Main characteristics are describeb below:
    Integration of optimum design & hydraulic and energy analysis in a single application, not only makes your work easier and quicker but more importantly, lets you find much more economical and reliable solutions than using processes based on simple optimisation routines.
    High performances in optimum design of branched networks with a given layout, including multiple options, protocols and easy-to-use tools helping you to find solutions with significant reductions in system costs.
    Integration of all modules and tools in an intuitive interactive graphic interface, and communicating using the ACCESS standard as an intermediary with all types of CAD/GIS systems or third party software. Integrated utilities for simple and direct two-way topology and data transfer with AUTOCAD 2010-2012.
    The hydraulic-energy analysis module, uniquely robust, flexible and efficient, was developed specifically for GESTAR with exclusive capabilities, such as inverse analysis, efficient treatment of low resistance elements and regulating valves, advanced modelling of point emitters and trickle lateral lines with emitted flow depending on pressure, characteristic curves of pumps with inflection points, modelling of direct pumping stations using system operation curves, etc.




    El grupo GESTAR de la Universidad de Zaragoza ha participado en el periodo Mayo 2105 a Febrero 2016 en un proyecto de formación y apoyo técnico al Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca del Gobierno Ecuatoriano (MAGAP), en colaboración con la AECID y las Universidades Politécnica y Complutense de Madrid, proyecto en el que se han capacitado técnicos del todo el país, y en el que mediante el paquete GESTAR se han diseñado numerosos sectores de riegos tecnificados.




    Tras una etapa primera de formación on-line y presencial, desarrollada conjuntamente por las tres Universidades, se abordó un acompañamiento in situ, bajo la supervisión del experto consultor y colaborador del equipo GESTAR, D. Héctor Osorio, en el periodo octubre 2015 a febrero 2016, para desarrollar los proyectos técnicos de nueve zonas de riego distribuidos por las distintas regiones de Ecuador.


    Un conjunto de licencias GESTAR Premium Lite fueron incorporadas con este propósito y distribuidas por las diferentes departamentos. Estos proyectos forman parte de un ambicioso paquete actuaciones puestas en marcha para el desarrollo de riegos tecnificados financiadas por el Banco MundialFONPRODE, Latin America Investment Facility (LAIF) y MAGAP.


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